Lesson Plan Supplemental Materials

LESSON PLAN SUMMARY: Children in my classroom are discovering art. But because it is springtime we are incorporating art with the very hungry caterpillar. Each child will use their iPad, whiteboard, or plain paper to create their own caterpillar. They will design their own creative copy and then make it in real life with clay. They will get different size clay balls to roll and paint. They have learned how to identify the colors and how to mix primaries into secondaries. Once they have finished designing their caterpillars we will add their faces on the front for them to take home. Students should be able to understand the life cycle of a caterpillar, how to count to 5-10, and identify colors that create other colors.

Tech-based Assessment: After reading 'The very hungry caterpillar' by Eric Carle for the start of spring, we will then take a quiz I created on the book and on the first couple weeks basic understandings. https://forms.office.com/r/tUrbRCaUJ5

Tech-based Activity/Example: Each child will get to come up to the smartboard and work on the activity I made. Each caterpillar has a different amount of circles for the body. They will need to count each caterpillar's body and figure out how many are in total and color it as they choose. But they must tell us how to get that color. https://studentcscc-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/hmanahan_student_cscc_edu/EVUUBQmXqT9MhJgFDkcR7vgBpdXe8sScLSB4pDoSt-Ot1A?e=GO2vjq

Tech-based Teaching Tool: Before students have to take their assessment, this teaching tool can help them engage together to refresh their memory. Quizlet has different ways to study the material learned; flashcards, mix and match, games, and other learning tools. https://quizlet.com/632730827/art-basics-wk1-flash-cards/?new
